Geomancy for Business

Business and Geopathic Stress

Help your staff to be productive, healthy, focused & able to handle stress.

Geopathic Stress interferes with the body’s electrical circuits of the heart, nervous system and the brain. This lowers the immune system, causing employee sickness and absenteeism. It also affects concentration levels and decreases serotonin production – which regulates mood, thereby making people more sensitive to stress; this reduces productivity in the workforce.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic stress is the relationship between the earth energies and people’s wellbeing. ‘Geo’ means ‘Earth ‘or ‘land’ and ‘Pathic’ means ‘suffering’. However, the earth also emits positive energies and has many sweet spots. The earth has electromagnetic currents that flow around the globe, many are underground and emit outwards, although you cannot see the currents. Disruption of the energy lines can be caused by movements of the earth’s crust, flowing through minerals and human generated electro /magnetic fields. These influences can disrupt the emission to cause a negative effect on health, serotonin and the capacity to handle stress .
The natural earth currents can be affected by:
  • Underground water courses running above the electric lines
  • Fractures in the substratum of the ground, including construction work
  • Human generated electro magnetic activity, e.g. electric pylons and underground cables

Business benefits

When people’s jobs are stressful or resentment builds up, negative energy and tension is created. Coupled together with the subtle psychological effects of their internal environments, space or perceived territory; the workplace can develop an atmosphere that is negatively charged and become an unproductive environment. Geomancy clears the negative emotional charge from the space.
Business’ benefits from the removal of the geopathic stress are:
  • Improved concentration.
  • Fewer days off sick.
  • Replenished serotonin levels restore stable emotions and clearer thinking.
  • Staff are better equipped to handle stress.
  • Better inter personal relations between staff.
  • Increased productivity.
Practical case studies

The impact of Geopathic Stress for 11,000 people, 3,000 houses and a school in Austria

An Austrian study by Kathe Bachler in 1977 of 11,000 people in over 3,000 houses, found that the majority of subjects with arthritis, insomnia, learning disabilities, allergies and many other diseases; were unknowingly sleeping or working in specific locations of measurable geopathic stress. The study noted that prolonged exposure to geopathic stress weakens the body’s defences. Concluding, if an individual has a genetic predisposition to an illness, then sustained exposure to geopathic stress can increase the onset of the illness. Conversely, removal of exposure to geopathic stress enables the body to fight the potential illness.

Another study by Kathe Bachler on schools, demonstrated that children sitting over geopathic stress areas generally have lower overall grades and contribute towards classroom disruption. By frequently rotating where pupils sit; the grades and classroom harmony improved. All other things being equal, the benefits were due to the removal of constant exposure to geopathic stress.


Ref: Kathe Bachler’s book, ‘Earth Radiation’.

Let's talk about improving your workspace.

We use contemporary Feng Shui, to make a pleasant and more productive workplace in an existing buildings, relocated companies and new business ventures.


Clear negative Geopathic Stress

We use contemporary Feng Shui, to make a pleasant and more productive workplace.

A conversation help us to understand your concerns and often informs our appointment and the initial Geopathic assessment of the workplace or home. 

The appointment includes pre visit analysis and research; preparatory geopathic and goemancy stress clearing before the site visit. We conduct a geopathic energy survey on site, remove the geopathic stress and rebalance the energy. Our advice includes Feng Shui and maintaining the results.  


We work on buildings and places outside of the UK remotely (without a site visit) by request. 

    Based in London & Surrey

    main office

    SSA Geomancy, Studio 2, Tapwood Studios

    Reigate Road, RH2 9RG

    We are open

    Monday – Friday 9am to 6pm  except on holidays.

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